Is It Important To Create A Grocery List?

The short answer is Yes. I shouldn't have shared that because I may have ruined the build up to the post. But I'm sure you know that list are important already. Getting in the kitchen and preparing your food is one of the best ways to take control over your health. Preparing meals is important when you have a busy schedule if you desire to nourish both you and your family.

Going grocery shopping and not having a list creates all sorts of issues. You end up picking up things you don't need, probably won't like, and items not conducive to your goals. Having a grocery list when shopping saves you time and money. A simple list can ultimately have an effect on your health in a positive way. If you go into the store knowing what you already need to buy, you won't waste countless minutes wandering the store debating on what sounds good.

Have your grocery list, get the items on your list, and get out.

Have you ever bought food and never ate it? I have loads of items in the pantry and freezer that I have not ate. Every time I have been to the grocery store without a list I waste too much money on food and never eat it, or it goes bad. Buying food that you have planned to eat will help cut wasted food.

How many times have you gone to the grocery store without a list and you left with cookies, chips and ice cream? If so, chances are you were making an emotional buy. These are comfort foods and when they are in the house, they are hard to avoid especially if you are feeling bored, tired, lonely or sad. Chances are you will not only eat one serving unless you have mastered the art of self discipline.

Having a list also helps you from making impulse buys. You are less likely to become distracted by all the pretty packaging and clever marketing of refined foods.

If you are making your own list here are a few tips: 1. Make sure that you count how many servings you have for a week of each meal item. 2. Measure your protein sources and always purchase a little more than you need because it cooks down some. 3. Don't forget spices and small ingredients. Things like cinnamon, cumin, season salt, paprika and others are hard to remember to purchase sometimes. These items can make your meals taste so much better.

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WebFit just launched an update. We have a grocery list available for your personalized meal plan. It is for sure one of the most innovative ideas we have come up with yet.